Justin Bieber's core demographic fan base is tween and teen girls. I, however, am a 23-year-old MALE college graduate. No matter where you turn, there Bieber is: on every TV show and website imaginable. I can certainly understand why the girls are in love with him, but I am not necessarily a fan. But neither am I a hater and dislike him either; I would consider myself neutral. That's where this new blog comes into play. I will become the Bieber Guy and explore the world of Justin Bieber (listening to all of his songs and albums, watch his music videos, read his book, watch his movie, view his YouTube videos, etc). This isn't necessarily to see if I will have Bieber Fever by the end; I'm not guaranteeing I will. The purpose of this project is to understand him as an artist rather than judge him or write him off as a fad, as many people have done without even taking the time to listen to much of his music. There are many who have said he will have lasting power in the music biz, unlike other young singing stars like Miley Cyrus or the Jonas Brothers. Why is that? Let's explore...
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